New Beginnings

It's time to move. In order to be a little more private and to make a fresh start this blog will now move elsewhere. Those who want the new address, please email me at:
desiwitchblog AT gmail DOT com
I promise not to spam you with newsletters containing latest offers, products and competitions from carefully selected third party companies or their marketing programmes.

I know it's a royal pain to have to email me and I hope you understand that as far as possible I'd like to make the connection between this blog and my new one as vague as possible.

Thank you SO SO SO very much for the incredible support you have given me through my angst and turmoil. I am not exaggerating when I say that you girls have kept me sane and helped me heal faster that I normally would have.

A miffed reader

Email from IBF:

omg omg! just read your blog! gosh, im so touched at how accepting ur blog readers are :))

altho im a bit miffed they thought it was the bff and not the ibf! wtf!


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