The Witch is dead...

... long live the witch.

Ah! The joys of anonymity. The utter relief of not having to worry about what your boss or your evil sister-in-law will think of you.
I used to write a different blog. A blog where everyone knew who I was, except me. It's not like I lied on that blog. But does omission count as lying? I aim to keep this one as anonymous as I can.

It's a strange tormenting emotion: one where you want credit for all the writing and ranting & the other where you want to say more but know you'll get into trouble. It's a tough choice, for I've already built up a set of regular visitors to my other blog, but I can't always say what I mean or mean what I say.

So here's to Blog2.0. A brand new blogging experience, where the truth - the joyous bitter truth - can be told without fear. Ah! the joys of anonymity.


  1. Terri the terrific said...
    DW, I don't know what your old avatar was, but I'm enjoying this new one a lot. It's been a few days since I bloghopped from Mad Momma, but now that I'm here, I'm going to make myself comfortable - with your permission, of course.
    desi witch said...
    welcome terri!
    Shobha said...
    Hi. I got to your blog from Akkare's and I think I have read all your posts in the past hour ... I don't know you from Eve but I really like you and where you're coming from and what you're saying ... I'd like to link your blog to mine if it's ok by you ?

    And about the anonymity part, I so understand where you're coming from. I had a blog too which everyone knew about and my present one is just for me. Well, take care. Bye.
    The Visitor said...
    Hi DW,
    I was quite troubled in my early blogging days, as to whether it's OK to be anonymous in the blogworld. I thought it was being unfair. Now, I find it comforting to know that there are many who others subscribe to the same view. :)
    PS: Thanks for dropping by.

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