Happy Mothers Day
Published by desi witch on Monday, 14 May 2007To my mother.
Who put up with labour pains.
Who cleaned my pee & my poo.
Who gave up her favourite foods,
so I could eat more of them - because they were my favourites too.
Who sang me lullabies.
Who fed me a teaspoon of yogurt,
before every exam I took - for good luck.
Who picked out the onions and tomatoes
from my plate because I used to be a fussy eater.
Who cries when I am in pain.
Who beat me up when I was naughty.
Who combed my hair and tied my laces.
Who taught me the joys of reading.
Who showed me the worth of money
And education.
Who gave me my OCDs of not touching things in public places.
Who shoves almonds and raisins in my mouth, even now,
because "they are good for you".
Who set the bar so high, I don't think I can ever reach it.
Happy Mothers Day, Dearest Mama.
Tags: parents
loved that line :)
I often wonder if I'd ever be able to reach that 'bar'...nd console myself with the thought that my kids may not have the Perfect Mummy I have but they'll have a perfect granny! :)
my mom's thing is fruits and milk.
lovely post.
Southways, wasnt this just the American Mother's day ? Why dont you follow the UK mother's day which falls on a different day ?