The spontaneous Sunflower

BFF has had a tattoo for a long time & knew I've always wanted one, so when I went visiting this time she said I should go for it.
When I asked her if it hurts she lied with a straight face & pretended like getting a tattoo was like being kissed by an angel and feeling the first gentle drops of rain on your face.
I totally bought into her BS & naively booked an appointment. After BFF double checked that the needles were sterile etc I sat down on the chair - totally delusional about how it was going to be just "mildly irritating".
When the tattooist began his work I looked at BFF in sheer terror & said "You LIED!". She grinned back at me and said, "You'd have never done it if I hadn't." And then mumbled something about how after having been through child-birth, tattoos didn't really hurt. Blah!

After what seemed like an eternity of pain and torture my little pretty sunflower was ready to take home.
To be honest, even though it was painful - the end result was so good that I readily forgave BFF for being such a trickster.


  1. Akkare said...
    All I can say is:
    Anonymous said...
    It's lovely.
    Anonymous said...
    where is that?
    Anonymous said...
    OMG you are brave.
    Shammi said...
    It's pretty :) But the skin on your arm still looks rather angry, doesnt it?
    Silent One said...
    that is so pretty :)
    desi witch said...
    thanks y'all!
    @anonymous: at the risk of losing my anonymity - it's on my shoulder.

    @shyam:the pic was taken gleefully by BFF moments after the tattoo was complete, so yeah the skin was MIGHTY angry.
    Me said...
    Its so cute and on your shoulder. How cute and brave
    the being said...
    # The tattoo is super cool
    # I always wanted one too
    # I can never lose the weight :(((
    Anonymous said...
    'Tis gooorgeous darling!!! love it...I wanna get one too - hey, if I do, will you and your BFF come with?
    magicrna said...
    WOW!!!!...and... WOW!!!

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