Gere Kaanooni

Ok, I'll admit it - I am only writing this post because I thought the title was so witty and clever. Because otherwise this is such a super-duper-stupid-lame case of waste-of-fucking-time-money-and-other-precious-resources that embarrasses me at work because people ask me "Are Indians really burning effigies of Richard Gere? For a peck on the cheek? Really? And the judge thought that was sexually erotic?".

That bloody judge obviously isn't getting any.

Can the self-appointed moral police and the government-appointed judges, please burn effigies of rapists and convict them with the same speed that they did in poor Richard's case?

And isn't burning all those effigies bad for the environment?


  1. Me said...
    Everytime the news networks bring up pictures of jobless idiots burning effigies of Gere, I cringe.
    Come on, what about all the cases of child abuse and like you mentioned, rape and the bloody eve teasers???
    This riles me up EVERYTIME!!!
    Sig said...
    LOL - I thought the title was very witty and I chuckled :P

    Yes - I just shake my head at those imbeciles who obviously have too much time on their hands to look at the real things around them. Richard Gere is an A-C-T-O-R people - He was act-ing. You see worse on many Hindi films these days anyways so what's the deal?

    Mr. J said...
    Whoa.. this blog template looks quite similar.

    Kiss & Tell. Ah well, what can be said. Just sit back and watch people make a fool of themselves.

    It's not the judge, it's that dumb advocate who definitely seems to have nothing better to do. So much for the aids campaign.
    the mad momma said...
    I wrote abt this too... and you need to see one comment i got on how we indians are aping the west in condoning Gere.. bah!!
    Anonymous said...
    Let's look at a situation where .. hmm salman khan does the same too hmmm let's say nicole kidman...

    How would that go down with the general public?

    forget nasty indians making the wealthy NRIs look stupid...Look at shilpa.. as i'm sure we've all had to... that is very close to sexual harrassment at the work place.

    why should she have to put up with it. did she have a chance to say no...

    or was it all a "wardrobe malfunction" kind of scenario.

    I feel there are no black and white solutions here :D
    Anonymous said...
    hahahaha - I can't believe this story!!! Poor Richard.
    Anonymous said...
    Can't post a comment on your post above on the Art of Losing. I think you've won.
    desi witch said...
    @ anonymous: you're forgetting that Shilpa Shetty had NO problem with the peck at all. If anything, she's been defending Richard Gere -

    And if Salman does the same to Kidman - so what?! If Nicole Kidman and Salman Khan have no objections, then why should someone else play moral police and object?

    @mm: I don't get why everyone else has to play knight in shining armour to Shetty. If she has no problem then drop it.

    @me & @silvara & @Mr J, @atims: I hear ya!

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