Line dancing

I went line dancing today. It was the first time I'd ever done it and I'm pretty sure it's not going to be the last.
I went along with 2 of my colleagues during lunch hour, to give it a shot. In a room full of senior women, we looked like kids - another reason to go again. Nothing makes you feel as young as surrounding yourself with a group of 30 women in their early seventies! The other reason I loved it was that the dance moves are really basic and even I could learn and remember them. I am normally shit at any kind of choreographed movement and so line dancing is perfect for me. The ammachis were so sweet , encouraging me with their "You're doing really well luv". And so I spent an hour kicking my feet around and clapping to classics like "Achy Breaky Heart" and other country hits!
The highlight of the event, however, was when the instructor called out "Who here has heard of Christina Aguilera?" and not one of them except me and my colleagues nodded our heads!


  1. Anonymous said...
    HaHa the last line made me laugh. Maybe I should check out if there are any senior citizen classes nearby, last time I went to the salsa classes I was so useless, this sounds a lot more fun
    Anonymous said...
    That's awesome!! I've always wanted to try line dancing..did you get to wear boots and a cowboy hat??
    desi witch said...
    wa, you sound like me when it comes to dancing. i highly recommend senior citizen classes! :)

    atims, not yet!
    Risha said...
    ohhh wht is line dancing....lemme google it :)
    Slots Secrets said...
    And it is effective?

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