Happiness is...

- Seeing your friends after months and knowing that nothing has changed.
- Drinking Oyster Bay and making fun of Rakhi in Basera, with BFF.
- Having beautiful warm sunshiny days in the peak of winter.
- Having BFF curl your hair and dressing up all posh-like to go to the mall.
- Getting an unplanned but always desired tattoo
- Buying more handbags than I'll ever need.
- Seeing that BFF has dropped a few dress sizes and realizing that you're not jealous but thrilled!
- Going to Borders and Barnes & Noble and soaking in the joy of being around so many books.
- Watching R.D. Burman songs from Saagar, Yeh Waada Raha and singing along.
- Recording songs with MBF [male-best-friend]
- Drinking Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta.
- Being woken up by BFF's 6 year old with a hug every morning. Yes, every jet-lagged morning.
- BFF, IBF [instant Best Friend, yeah A - that's you.] and me giggling like little children even though we're in a very grown up Irish bar.
- CBF [childhood best friend] making a long trek from Virginia just so she can spend a day with me.
- Making peace with close friend that you thought you'd lost.
- Looking across a table loaded with pancakes, waffles and other heart-attack inducing goodies and seeing the faces of people that must have been related to me in a past life and knowing that they all love me. And that I'm blessed to have them in my life.


  1. Me said...
    This truly is happiness. I am so glad you had such a good time!!! And as to your fathers' post, I suppose there is no point hoping they will change. And so instead, we say Hoorah! for friends right?
    Shammi said...
    I tend to think that my dearest friends would certainly never have been related to me in any past life or we probably wouldnt be best friends in THIS life :) But I know what you mean!

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