Taking in a deep breath

Akkare, one of my favorite bloggers, wrote a post inspired by me and ME. (that's confusing!) And ME wrote a follow-up post that made me feel like I needed to realize that my life was mine to live. My mistakes, mine to correct. My joys, mine to savor. My sorrows, mine to rue.
Yes I love my parents. And that will never change. But it's like we're from different planets sometimes. Separated by more than just a continent. A fundamental divide in our way of thinking.

So... I am going to say something on this blog, about me, that they don't know yet. Some of you left comments saying that I should get it off my chest and tell them sooner rather than later. But, I'm going to tell you first, my dear fellow-bloggers. Not in this post. Because I need a LOT of deep breaths and calming down, before I share this with you. (besides it keeps the suspense alive!)

Call it a "testing-the-waters" exercise.

All of you that left me encouraging comments on my "Square One" post - thank you. It means so much more than you'll ever know.


  1. Akkare said...
    You are killing me, woman! My imagination is seriously working overtime today. I am right now vacillating between a terminal disease and coming out of an uncomfortable closet. HOWEVER I understand how sometimes admitting the truth about oneself can be so scary...so take your time, sweetie.
    Me said...
    The suspense is killing me too. And again here's to lots and lots of postiive vibes and hugs and encouragement!!!
    Mint Chutney said...
    HELLO? That is plain blog-meaness!

    Whatever it is, you'll make it. You have a wonderful group of us to support you.

    P.S. Are we all mallu?
    Nee said...
    Hey there,
    Take your time. We'll be here when you're ready.

    Anonymous said...
    Gosh, I feel just like Akkare.But as she says, take your time.
    Shammi said...
    Might lose this bet, but I bet it wont seem as terrible to us as it does to you :)
    3inone said...
    Found your blog through "me".
    From what I can see, you are surrounded by an extremely supportive group. Sound like you can tell them anything that's worrying you and they'll all be there for you!
    All the best. I hope everything works out fine for you.
    the mad momma said...
    I havent got a chance to drop by, but late as I am.. let me just say one thing, we're stronger and more open minded than you might think! get it off your chest... most of us have secrets - thats why we blog! and then someday it doesnt seem so bad anymore.

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