Can team India PLEASE bloody refund the £25 I spent this afternoon getting an upgrade on my Sky subscription - against my better judgment - to watch the freakin' World Cup?

Now I have to listen to Bangladeshi colleague at work, gloat. Thank Heavens I'm changing jobs.

And all you Sachin lovers out there - he sucks. He is a HAS BEEN. And don't wave some stupid statistics at my face. Because - he's only great on paper. As a super hero cartoon.

ME - I feel your pain.


  1. Nee said...
    Sigh, I know! I stopped watching after the 6th wicket fell. The Boy watched until the gory end, which came not too soon after. Well, the better team on that day won.

    Seriously, why is so much money poured into Indian cricket? Somewhere I read that if India pulls out of the WC, that's 60% of the revenue gone out the window.

    Double sigh...silver lining, silver lining...let's see...well, at least I am not a member of the Indian cricket team, just a supporter. Wouldn't want to be one of them this morning, eh?!
    Me said...
    Really! I know! Can they also give us back the hours of our life spent watching them fail so bloody miserably?
    Shammi said...
    I've given up cricket. I'm ashamed of the Indian team and have been ashamed of Indian cricket ever since the scandal about Azhar came out. They're GODS to Indian cricket fans, they make HUGE money from ads and sponsorships and whatnot... and YET they let themselves and the country down with their greed. The only good thing so far is that no Indian cricket coach has been murdered.

    Bother. I ranted when I didnt mean to! But I sure dont follow cricket any more.
    desi witch said...
    heh heh! I'd definitely not want to be a member of the Indian team right now. and though I hope there is no mindless violence against them, I'd love to smack all of them.
    Silent One said...
    I just got my refund from Sky for cancelling Sky Sports yesterday !! They cancel it the same day..I am now supporting Australia, at least won't be too disappointed..:)

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