Those damned condescending google ads

So I set up google ads on this blog because I'm cheap like that. Hey I could buy web hosting for an hour with the money I've made so far, via google ads, ok?
But I noticed that all the damned ads from google were about how I could get relationship advice by clicking on a certain link or how I could entrap my spouse to stay in the marriage even if he didn't want to and of course the classic - "Asian Woman for love".


  1. Me said...
    I have been wondering about that.
    Asian woman for love. I have to click on that.
    Mint Chutney said...
    LOL! I've been wondering about it as well.
    Tarantismo said...
    Ha ha ha, I noticed it too !!
    I remember my 2 girl friends and I were exchanging a string of mail, the subject being a snap of one of my friends. (yeah , all this done during office hours). And the Google ads for those mails in my Gmail inbox ranged from "Learn German and Ski" to " "!!
    The Weekend Blogger said...
    How are you ? And these ads are funny ....
    Anonymous said...
    hee hee

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