Is this sexist or is it just me?

"Is the Gujarat police so impotent that it had to kill a woman in cold blood?"
This dialogue on the Times of India - apparently started by the editor - confuses me.
Are they implying that men who are impotent are likely to kill women? Or that men who are potent are not killers? Or that the police force only comprises of men?
Why do men associate everything with the size, shape, and/or functional efficacy of their Penis?

When India made an early exit from the World Cup, I watched an irate fan say on some desi channel " Unko chudiyaan pehenke wapas aana chahiye". [They should wear bangles when they return.]
Meaning what? That women are losers? "Real" men can't lose?

Sorry for the rant. I just got another "Life for single women is so tough and filled with sharks" talk from my folks yesterday. And it made me mad that rather than having faith in my ability to look after myself, my parents want me to rush into another marriage or atleast "think about it". So I'm highly sensitive to the "women are weak" type of remarks right now.

And what's with the sharks? I mean, where did that analogy come from?


  1. Akkare said...
    When I was single I hated my parents telling me they were worried because "we just want you to be settled". For God sake, the only way I could have been more settled was if I had grown roots. I left home at 16 and have lived on my own and taken care of myself since then. I left my (not parents) home and came to the UK on my own steam and money and yet now suddenly because I am married and Orwell is not in town, they think I cant take care of myself…..what!!!!! Sorry I am going on….but I think we had similar conversations with our parents. And of course that is exactly what you need right now – another marriage!!!!
    3inone said...
    oh i so agree with you. All those pictures showing Dravid dressed in a sari with bangles just infuriated me.

    And of course, most people think single women are incapable of looking after themselves and hence the various men in one's life think they can act superior because you will call them when you need to be picked up from the station at 2 a.m.

    I could rant and rave for hours on this subject.
    the mad momma said...
    arrgh...just what i was thinking about.. i was really pissed with the response to the loss being 'chudiyan pehena do'...
    iz said...
    Sorry to hear about this DW, guess they're just concerned. I know of a single girl who put on 20 kg because she was so sick of men hitting on her at work. Maybe there's some truth?
    Anonymous said...
    Hmmmm in a slightly different situation, when I get around to remarrying I think my parents will be in for a shock. Accepting that I walked out on an abusive ex was easy but when it comes to remarriage they are gonna find it harder to accept. Weird how cultures within India is different. Parents.

    Silver lining in this scenario is that the only person I need to worry about will be more than open minded about it, which is great.
    Anonymous said...
    er iz, someone put on 20kgs because men were hitting on her at work? I am sure there must be someone else who put on 20kgs because no one was hitting on her :)
    desi witch said...
    iz, really? 20 kilos? was she trying to turn into a whale? :)

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