Makadi ka aadmi aur reth ka dushman

Ok, all you snooty Hollywood aficionados have lost the right to make fun of Bollywood movies. I just got back from watching Spiderman 3 and have developed a serious case of arachnophobia. Why, Spidey, why? My favourite superhero has been ruined by this third episode in the spidery superhero saga.
It was replete with cheesy scenes and oh-so-so-predictable twists and turns. Dripping with forced sentimentality and sickly sweet moral preaching, this was a huge disappointment. By the end of the first 50 minutes or so I was like "Just die, already Spidey".

Sad Sad Sad.



  1. Anonymous said...
    yes, i didnt like it either. i think it was too cartoonish and melodramatic. some of the fight sequences were good but overall the movie was hardly super hero material. -ns
    3inone said...
    i agree!
    i did like the sleek black costume though.
    the mad momma said...
    damn damn damn ... is there no good movie left to watch?
    Everyman said...
    Spidey 3 was a laugh riot..Saw it in Mumbai, and the moments which were supposedl melodramatic, had all of us in splits..

    But all tht I could handle, what I could not, was the Spidey swinging past the US Flag when goin to rescue MJ. Now THAT was too much!
    3inone said...
    oh yeah, i had forgotten that. that was the ultimate patriotic moment, wasn't it??
    ha ha ha ha!!
    desi witch said...
    oh yeah! that was the worst moment in the movie for me. (because after all - only americans can save the world - no offense to any americans)
    and the other moment of despair for me was when tobey maguire suddenly gains enlightenment when he's sitting under the church spire. cos ofcourse - only God could make him see the error of his ways.
    (sorry, non-atheists.)
    Pingu said...
    Have u heard...
    Makadi ka aadmi is going to be made in Bhojpuri with Ravi Kissan of Big Boss fame donning the Spidey suit...

    Just the right thing for a Cannes Premiere,don't u think??
    Me said...
    Oh! I echo all thoughts on this comments list.
    And I thought Tobey cried way too much in the movie

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